LaserJet 发表于 2008-7-16 11:05:24



艾斯卡普 发表于 2008-7-16 18:13:25

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 雷电是一种大气中放电现象,产生于积雨中,积雨云在形成过程中,某些云团带正电荷,某些云团带负电荷。它们对大地的静电感应,使地面或建(构)筑物表面产生异性电荷,当电荷积聚到一定程度时,不同电荷云团之间,或云与大地之间的电场强度可以击穿空气(一般为25-30KV/cm),开始游离放电,我们称之为"先导放电"。云对地的先导放电是云向地面跳跃式逐渐发展的,当到达地面时(地面上的建筑物,架空输电线等),便会产生由地面向云团的逆导主放电。在主放电阶段里,由于异性电荷的剧烈中和,会出现很大的雷电流(一般为几十千安至几百千安),并随之发生强烈的闪电和巨响,这就形成雷电。</p><p><img src="data/attachment/forum/bbsxp/2008-7/20087161813210.jpg" border=0 /></p>

wanfu9450 发表于 2008-7-22 19:19:51


fzsm999 发表于 2008-8-10 18:20:37

<img height=24 src="Images/Emoticons/49.gif" width=24 border=0 />

delifu 发表于 2009-2-23 10:11:54


overlook 发表于 2010-10-27 13:31:50

Leave a group when wow power leveling it bogs you down.
<br />3) Play a Multi-Zone game. When you hit level 10 or so, its time to run to the nearest "other"
<br />
<br />starting area and do the quests there. You will do them fast, and get exp for all the kills (as long
<br />
<br />as they wow power leveling are colored green to
<br />
<br />you) Doing a load of quests 3-5 levels beneath you really racks up EXP fast.
<br />4) Green wow power leveling quests are
<br />
<br />your friends! These are quests that are 2-3 levels beneath you. When I get a bunch of yellow colored
<br />
<br />wow power leveling quests, sometimes I&#39;ll just &#39;level grind&#39; 2-3
<br />
<br />levels, then power through the quests solo. It basically comes to this: If you are getting killed
<br />
<br />more than once doing a single
<br />quest, you are aion power level wasting time-
<br />
<br />its better to grind a level and do it later.
<br />5) Dont aion powerleveling be afraid to dump
<br />
<br />quests It&#39;s so just don&#39;t want to let go of that quest that&#39;s been in your books
<br />
<br />buy wow gold for several days. It requires you to
<br />
<br />run around the world - see this
<br />person, see that aion kinah person...will take
<br />
<br />you 3 hours. Or that quest you forgot to do way back in Elwynn Forest, and now you&#39;re all the way in
<br />
<br />the Wetlands. DUMP IT. There are thousands of quests in this game.
<br />Wasting aion power level 4 hours just
<br />
<br />to &#39;finish&#39; that green or gray quest is not worth it.
<br />Abandon that quest, and wow gold uk replace it with
<br />
<br />others.

BOBO2008 发表于 2011-3-22 11:23:41



weakelec 发表于 2011-3-29 09:46:14


qinglongmq 发表于 2011-4-2 14:31:55

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查看完整版本: 雷电是怎样形成的?